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Ride your way into our history books!

Abraham Kriel Bambanani (AKB) is celebrating 120 years of service to children and you are invited to join team #ride4hope to mark this auspicious occasion.

We are looking for 120 superheroes to wear our jersey and ride for hope!

Superheroes like YOU have been critical in the care of vulnerable and orphaned children for the past 120 years, with YOUR help this work can continue!

So, it is time to dust off that superhero cloak, put on those shoes and hop on your bike. Are you ready?

YOU can write a new history in the life of a child

Why you should ride for team #ride4hope?

  • You are a superhero
  • You get an earlier start time than the others
  • You get to wear our super cool cycling kit
  • Most importantly – You will change the life of a child that has been abused and traumatised!

Join team #ride4hope

Ride with us in this year’s Virgin Active 947 Ride Joburg.

Convince 12, 120 or 1200 others to join and before you know it – you’ve raised R1, 200 000


Here’s what to do:







We look forward to welcoming you to our team.

“Hope4ully” yours,                      


083 570 8784


P.S. If you’re a novice rider, like me (…I don’t even own a bike); JOIN me in this year’s new exciting 35km short ride!

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