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“To be in service of a calling, is special. Not many people have the opportunity to live their life purpose through their daily work. I experience that privilege through my career at Abraham Kriel Bambanani and that is a blessing.”
“Om in diens te staan van jou roeping, is spesiaal. Nie baie mense het die voorreg om hulle roeping elke dag in hulle werksplek uit te leef nie. As hoof van Abraham Kriel Bambanani is ek bevoorreg om elke dag my passie en roeping uit te leef.
Wat ‘n seëning”.
Anina’s story
“I am so grateful for the chance to come and live at Langlaagte. It changed my life!”
Anina se storie
Anina se ma is oorlede toe sy net drie jaar oud was. Sy en haar twee sussies en ‘n niggie woon saam met haar pa in Slovo Park, net buite Westbury. Die informele woongebied is een van die haglikste in Groter Johannesburg.
I am awesome
“Is my mom ok?” was the only thing that Samantha (7 years) kept asking her housemother when she was committed into our care at the Maria Kloppers Campus at the beginning of this year.
Sy is tuis!
Joy (4 jaar), het met uitgestrekte armpies na haar nuwe ouers gehardloop en geroep, “Mamma!” “Pappa!”- voordat die kinderversorgers haar aan haar nuwe ouers kon voorstel
She is home
Before the childcare workers could introduce Joy (4 years) to her new parents, she ran with her arms opened wide shouting, “Mommy, Daddy!” Joy was so excited that she didn’t even notice everyone around her wiping the tears away during that special moment with her new parents.
Die Lewe is ‘n geskenk! Ons is dankbaar vir donateurs en gemeenskappe wat help om ‘n kind se beste moontlikhede ontvou.
Life is a gift! We are grateful for donors and communities that help unwrap the best potential in a child.
Ons is voorwaar ‘n alternatiewe familie vir die kinders en jong mense in ons sorg en wil regtig die boodskap oordra dat ons saam beter is.
We are truly an alternative family for our beneficieries and we wish to convey the concept that we are stronger together.
‘n Kersboodskap
Net soos elke kind se lewensverhaal verskil, so ook verskil omstandighede by hulle biologiese gesinne. In die nuusbrief sal jy lees oor hoe elke kind se lewensverhaal hul Kersfees invloed.
A Christmas Message
Just as every child’s personal story is different, so are their family situations different. In this newsletter you can read how some of their stories impact their Christmas.
Joy is a gift you give yourself
This newsletter is dedicated to the countless people that bless the 1000+ beneficiaries we serve with love, energy and care.
Vreugde is ‘n geskenkwat jy aan jouself gee
Die nuusbrief is toegewy aan elkeen wie se liefde, energie en omgee soveel beteken vir die 1 000+ kinders en jongmense wat ons versorg en bemagtig.