118 fulfilling and life-changing years
What started out as a safe haven in Langlaagte for children orphaned by the South African war in 1902, has become home to thousands of young children and youth in Johannesburg. Abraham Kriel Bambanani has been in operation for 118 years… a milestone that would not be possible without the support of dedicated donors.
Over the years, we’ve had periods of financial difficulty. The organisation and its name evolved over time from an orphanage to an organisation providing child and youth care and development programmes. But, as we reflect and look back at how far the organisation has come, one thing stands out – the difference YOU have made in the lives of children and youth.
- *Samantha was brought into our care as a young, confused five year old and today she is a 4th year nursing student at North West University. She is currently working at a local hospital and is one of many healthcare workers on the frontline fighting the Covid19 pandemic.
- *Andrea is a young lady from Zola, Soweto and has been a part of our Community Services programme since 2013. Her family has been dependent on support from the programme and social grants. Andrea is determined to change her family’s life hence the dedication to her studies. She is currently studying towards a BCom Law degree at the University of Johannesburg and is acing her modules.
- *Conrad called the Langlaagte Campus home since 2009 and in 2018 was reunited with his biological family. Diagnosed with epilepsy and intellectual impairment, Conrad gave his best and was always willing to help. Due to unforeseen circumstances at home, Conrad will be moved to a home for adults living with intellectual disabilities after the lockdown.
- In 2006, a young girl named *Cathy, from the Emdeni children’s home was placed at the Maria Kloppers Campus in Observatory, where, with the help of dedicated staff, she developed her language skills. This 23 year old girl is now in her final year of studying B.Ed. in Senior Phase and FET Training. During the pandemic she was the one to keep the kids at Maria Kloppers up to date with their school work.
- We’ve known him since he was a 12 year old full of potential. With love, guidance and patience, we were able to tap into *Thato’s potential. Although 2020 has not gone as planned, this young man is determined to end the year with a bang by achieving good Matric results that will allow him to study further. His dream is to study Industrial Psychology and/or Business Management.
These are but five young mouths you’ve fed, clothed, educated, inspired and given a second chance in life. With YOUR help our beneficiaries have access to therapy and counselling sessions that allow them to open up and be free of the disadvantages and hurts that held them back. They have access to schools and educational programmes that cater to their educational development and needs. They have access to healthcare. They have a home; a family and a sense of belonging.
There are thousands of children and youth that walk through our gates burdened and broken by their past or current family situations. But, they leave Abraham Kriel with a suitcase full of love, life and dreams.
Thank you for your continued support over the years. May the next 118 be as fulfilling and life changing.
*Not their real names
118 Lewensveranderende Jare
Dit het in 1902 op Langlaagte begin as ‘n veilige hawe vir kinders wat wees gelaat is deur die Suid-Afrikaanse oorlog. Sedertdien het dit ‘n ouerhuis geword vir derduisende kinders van Johannesburg en omtrekke. Die mylpaal is moontlik gemaak deur duisende toegewyde donateurs oor jare heen.
Uiteraard was daar verskeie tye van finansiële nood. Die organisasie en sy naam het oor jare heen verander van wat oorspronklik ‘n weeshuis was tot ‘n organisasie wat verantwoordelikheid neem vir die versorging en ontwikkeling van kinders en jeug. Wat egter soos ‘n paal bo water staan is die verskil wat u gemaak het in die lewens van kinders en jeug.
- Samantha is as ‘n verwarde vyfjarige dogtertjie opgeneem. Vandag is sy ‘n 4dejaar student in verpleegkunde by die NWU. Tans is sy een van talle mediese personeellede wat aan die voorpunt is van die geveg teen die COVID 19 pandemie.
- Andrea is’n jong dame afkomstig uit Zola in Soweto. Sy is sedert 2013 deel van ons gemeenskapsorg program. Haar gesin is geheel afhanklik van die program en maatskaplike toelaes. Andrea sien egter ‘n ander toekoms en sy werk bitter hard aan haar studies om haar gesin se lot te verander. Sy doen ‘n graad in B-Com Regte aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg en kry onderskeidings in verskeie modules.
- Vir Conrad was die Langlaagte kampus sy huis sedert 2009 en in 2018 is hy herenig met sy biologiese familie. Die seun was altyd bereid om hulp te gee waar hy kon ten spyte daarvan dat hy laag funksionerend is en ly aan epilepsie. Ongelukkig het dinge nie uitgewerk by sy familie nie en na die grendeltyd sal hy hervestig word in ‘n tuise vir volwassenes met verstandelike gestremdhede.
- In 2006 is Cathy as ‘n jong meisie oorgeplaas van die Emdeni kinderhuis na die Maria Kloppers Kampus in Yeoville, waar sy met die hulp van toegewyde personeel haar talvaardighede kon ontwikkel. Op die ouderdom van 23 jaar is die jong meisie in haar finale jaar as B-Ed student vir senior fase onderwys sowel as ‘FET’ opleiding. Tydens die pandemie het sy die kinders van Maria Kloppers op datum gehou met hulle skoolwerk.
- Ons het hom geken vandat hy ‘n besige twaalfjarige met baie potensiaal was. Met liefde, leiding en geduld is daardie potensiaal ontsluit en Thato is nou in matriek. 2020 het nie volgens plan verloop nie, maar nogtans is die jongman vasbeslote om die jaar op ‘n hoë noot en met goeie uitslae af te sluit. Hy moet nog besluit of hy Bedryfsielkunde of Besigheidsbestuur wil studeer.
Hierdie is maar vyf jongmense wat u gevoer het, aangetrek het, opgevoed het en geinspireer het. U het vir hulle ‘n tweede kans gegee. Met u hulp is die jongmense toegang gegee tot terapie en mentorskap wat hulle kans gegee het om oop en vry te wees van die pynlike herinneringe en agterstande wat hulle teruggehou het. Hulle het toegang gehad tot goeie skole en opvoedkundige programme na elkeen se behoeftes. Daar is omgesien na hulle gesondheid. Hulle het ‘n tuise en deel geword van familie waar hulle toegevou is in liefde.
Duisende kinders kom deur ons hekke, swaar belaai met die gebrokenheid van hulle gesinne en hulle eie lewens. Hulle stap egter uit met ‘n tas vol liefde, hoop en drome.
Dankie vir u volgehoue ondersteuning oor jare heen. Mag die volgende 118 jaar net so vervullend en lewensveranderend wees.