Kicking Bad Behavior to the Curb
They were defenceless. They were harmed mentally, emotionally, socially and some physically and as a result they have no sense of self, have no boundaries and find it hard to follow rules. Our children come from backgrounds that many cannot fathom but at Abraham Kriel Bambanani YOU and donors like you, play a pivotal role in making sure that our children’s future looks nothing like their past. The mental development of the children in our care is of utmost importance as it makes sure that they grow up to be adults that can care for themselves, for others and never repeat what happened in their past.
Our children have behavioural problems and as much as therapy works well for their mental and emotional development, our kids still need an outlet to let off steam.
It’s been almost a year since some of our children took up karate at the Langlaagte campus. Nicky Johnson and her son, Marcus, have been coaching our children and changing their lives. The class currently accommodates six of our children and they are doing very well. Eight year old Albert (pseudonym) joined the class recently and is already showing signs of changed behaviour.
“Albert has behavioural issues but he really tries hard and has really connected with me. He is struggling but I am waiting in anticipation for the moment when he develops the competencies and the boost in self-confidence he so desperately needs. An unexpected hug that communicates trust from him, is always very special”, says Nicky. Albert, Xola, Candice, Sherry, Geraldine and Thuli have found a home or sense of belonging in their karate class. Nicky would like to take them to the next level and she needs YOUR help to achieve this. Our children need R 4 050.
This will cover:

A karate kit for three children @R350 X 1 and R380 X 2
Grading for 6 children @ R180 per child
Intensive training with Shihan Harry @ R150 per child and
to participate in a contest @ 160 per child in June.
“In the karate world, it is a huge privilege to be trained by the Grand Master himself, so I would really appreciate it if the kids can participate”, says Nicky. “As important as a kit is for sense of belonging, these events are what motivate the kids to want to persevere and give their best in class. Earning a new belt and even a medal is a huge confidence booster”, adds Nicky.
“The kids never fail to touch my heart. I am always excited by their enthusiasm and desire to please. One of the girls has even taken it upon herself to fill our water bottles and wash the cups for every class so that everyone has water to drink during our breaks. She’s also offered to sew one of the little boy’s stripes onto his belt which indicate his rank. I hope to encourage pro-social behaviour in all of them and teach them to be appreciative of all the people around them.” Nicky added.
Help Nicky take our children to the next level, please contact: Colette Ramjathan on 011 839 3058/60 / should you be able to help.
Dissipline raak ontslae van swak gedrag
Hulle was weerloos. Hulle is geestelik, emosioneel, sosiaal en sommige fisies seergemaak. Gevolglik het hulle ‘n beperkte waarde van hulleself en hulle grense en vind hulle dit moeilik om reëls na te kom. Die kinders kom van omstandighede wat ondenkbaar is vir meeste mense. By Abraham Kriel Bambanani poog ons om seker te maak dat die kinders se toekoms totaal verskil van hulle verlede. Die verstandelike ontwikkeling van ons kinders is van uiterste belang om seker te maak dat hulle ontwikkel in volwassenes wat vir hulleself en hulle afhanklikes kan sorg. Die verlede moet nooit herhaal word nie.
Die kinders het verskeie gedagsprobleme. Terapie help vir hulle verstandelike en emosionele ontwikkeling, maar hulle het steeds ‘n uitlaatklep nodig vir die opgeboude woede.
Op die Langlaagte kampus is daar ‘n groepie kinders wat die afgelope jaar karate lesse ontvang. Nicky Johnson en haar seun, Marcus, rig hulle af en verander hulle lewens in die proses. Die klas het tans ses kinders en almal presteer. Die agtjarige Albert (skuilnaam) het onlangs by die klas aangesluit en sy gedrag het reeds begin verander.
“Albert het gedragsprobleme, maar hy probeer baie hard, want hy hy het regtig met my gebind. Hy sukkel, maar ek wag in spanning vir die vaardighede en selfvertroue wat hy so desperaat benodig. ‘n Onverwagte drukkie wat vertroue van hom kommunikeer, is altyd baie spesiaal.” sê Nicky. Albert, Xola, Candice, Sherry, Geraldine and Thuli voel veilig en tuis in die karateklas. Nicky wil hulle graag na die volgende vlak neem en benodig daarvoor U hulp om R 4 050 bymekaar te maak.
Die geld dal die volgende dek:
Karate uitrusting @ 1x R350 en 2x R380
Gradering vir 6 kinders @ R180 elk
Intensiewe opleiding deur Shihan Harry @R 150 elk en
Deelname in ‘n kompetisie in Junie @ R160 elk
“In die karate wêreld is dit ‘n enorme eer om deur die “Grand Master” self afgerig te word. Ek sal dit dus baie waardeer indien die kinders kan deelneem,” sê Nicky. “So belangrik as wat die regte uitrusting is vir die kinders om te voel hulle pas in, doen die opleiding en kompetisies geweldig baie vir hulle motivering om vol te hou en hul bes te doen in die klas. Om ‘n nuwe belt of ‘n medalje te verdien doen baie vir hulle selfvertroue”, voeg sy by.
“Die kinders raak my hart elke keer. Ek is altyd beïndruk met hulle entoesiasme en begeerte om my guns te wen. Een van die meisies het dit op haarself geneem om te verseker dat almal water het tydens die oefening en sy maak ook seker dat al die gebruikte koppies gewas word. Verder het sy aangebied om een van die kleintjies se nuwe streep op sy belt aan te werk, om sy nuwe rang aan te dui. Ek hoop om aanvaarde sosiale gedrag vir almal aan te leer en om hulle te leer hoe om die mense om hulle te waardeer”, vertel Nicky.
Help vir Nicky en ons kinders op hierdie reis na selfvertroue en beheer. Kontak asseblief vir: Colette Ramjathan on 011 839 3058/60 / indien u wil help!